Phillip J. Cline

Phil Cline is a resident of Visalia, California. He is a graduate of the College of Sequoias, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature (Summa Cum Laude) from Cal State, Fresno. He took his law degree at San Joaquin College of Law in Fresno, California.
Mr. Cline served 4 years in the United States Air Force. He and his wife have been married for 46 years. They have one son, an attorney, and a daughter, a teacher. They have three grandchildren.
Mr. Cline held elective office as District Attorney for 20 years. He retired from office in 2013. Before assuming the mantel of District Attorney, he was a trial attorney specializing in the prosecution of homicide cases. He won a number of high profile murder cases.
During his tenure as District Attorney, Mr. Cline created a number of innovative programs including the State’s first Rural Crime program to protect the Agricultural Industry. He also formed the county’s first White Collar Crime unit and first specialized Sexual Assault team.
As a Veteran Mr. Cline became increasingly concerned with the number of soldiers returning from War Zones and getting in trouble with the law because of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He led the effort to create one of the State’s first Veteran’s Courts to address the unique problems of Veterans with the goal of diverting them out of the Criminal Justice System and enabling them to return to their proper role as productive members of society.
During his tenure as District Attorney, Mr. Cline also served on a number of statewide task forces and on the California District Attorney’s Association Board of Directors.
Phil Cline currently does consulting work regarding governmental issues and teaches Constitutional Law at the College of Sequoias. Mr. Cline is also a writer and writes extensively on the Constitution and Politics. He also writes Poetry, Short Stories, Novels and Essays on a wide variety of subjects.